Our Firm Is Founded On Competence And Integrity

Get Help Navigating Through The Nuances Of Maryland Real Estate Law

For most people, purchasing real estate is one of the largest investments that they will make in their lifetime. It is wise to have an attorney review the contract of sale before you sign it since many of the terms are negotiable and the standard board of realtors contract contains many provisions designed to protect the realtor and the seller, at the expense of the buyer.

Once you sign the contract of sale, you are committed to those terms. Additionally, it is wise to have an attorney, rather than a title company, handle your settlement. If problems arise with the sale (as they often do), you will have someone in your corner zealously protecting your interests. This added security is well worth the slight additional expense on the largest investment of your life.

Call Us For Help With Your Real Estate Investment

To find out more about how our attorneys Charles L. Scott Jr. and Jennifer M. Chesney can help you with the purchase of your home, contact our Elkton office online or call our firm at 410-398-0611.